

刘里远,四川籍,1964年生,博士,副教授.......。先后就读川北医学院儿科专业、佳木斯大学基础医学院生理专业、北京体育大学运动生理专业、北京大学医学部生理专业。发表论文近五十篇,著书五部,获国家专利五项。现为北京师范大学生命科学学院生理教研室教师,教授《人体及动物生理学》、《神经生物学》、《科学思想》等课程。曾当过三年基层临床内科/儿科医生,在简单的条件下,常常同时独立救治三十名左右病人的急重病,积累了丰富的经验和胆略,深受患者爱戴。近二十年来,一直从事中医经络实质及针刺效应机制研究,在《古典经络学与现代经络学》一书中,全面总结了古典经络理论,纠正了现行经脉循行路线的大量错误,阐明了古典经络包括血管系统和非血管系统两大类型。现已揭示出经络实质的整体面貌,即皮肤交感神经――立毛肌分布线。相关三篇重要文章先后在国际一流英文杂志发表,标志着中医经络研究的重大突破。 对科学发展史和科学思想有全面的知识,对中国传统思想有独到的研究和精深的见解。在《中西自然科学思想》一书中,系统论述了人类历史上伟大科学家和哲学家的卓越思想精华。特别阐述了孔子、老子、庄子、《黄帝内经》、《易经》等鲜为人知的伟大思想和卓越成就。编写《青年必知科学历程手册》,以修补教条主义科学教育的缺陷,展现真实具体、形象生动的科学知识,成为近年国内科普畅销书。近十年研究物种进化,创立一个全新进化理论,以取代达尔文的变异与自然选择学说。本研究坚决放弃以变异为基础的同一祖先模式,确立不同低等物种的杂交,通过基因组合,产生复杂高级的生命形式。完成英文巨著《新物种进化论》,在德国出版。 微信/QQ:413552970


2015-04-09 13:09 阅读(?)评论(0)






 The Periodicity of Acupuncture Effect and the Mechanism of Vibrating Regulation of Acupuncture. Adaptive Medicine


 Li-Yuan Liu. The Periodicity of Acupuncture Effect and the Mechanism of Vibrating Regulation of Acupuncture. Adaptive Medicine, 6(4): 168-177, 2014

     这是应《调适医学》杂志约稿的文章, 发表关于针刺效应周期性和针刺的振动调节的研究文章。2014年底发表了,现在原文帖出来,以便有兴趣者参阅。




The Periodicity of Acupuncture Effect and the Mechanism of

Vibrating Regulation of Acupuncture

Li-Yuan Liu

 College of Life Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 100875



In order to explore any regularity and characteristics of the effect of acupuncture, it was observed as detailed as possible. After acupuncture at the acupoints (Zusanli) in rabbits, the pain threshold (PT) and heart rate (HR) of the rabbits were observed discontinuously, and the intestinal peristalsis was observed continuously. The effects after acupuncture increased and decreased significantly (P<0.05 and P<0.01) and repeatedly, forming upward peaks or downward valleys. The effect-curve waves periodically, with a common periodicity of 28 min. The 28min-periodicity is curiously coincides with the 28.8 min-periodicity of the circulation of Qi along Meridians throughout the body in the traditional Chinese medicine. A regulative mechanism of vibration of acupuncture has been speculated, in which the bodily function is regulated by vibrating the various functions of all systems and all organs in the body to find individual balance point and adequate level automatically in the process of functional oscillation. In summary, acupuncture is a technique of auto-regulation, and bi-directional regulation and vibrating regulation.


Key words: Acupuncture effect, Periodicity, Vibrating Regulation, Acupuncture analgesia, intestine peristalsis.


 Acupuncture originated in ancient China and evolved into the modern world as a form of complementary medicine and a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The advantages of acupuncture are its effectiveness, simplicity and safety. Acupuncture is the stimulation by a variety of techniques at specific anatomical locations on or under the skin (usually called acupoint), aiming to treat a range of clinical conditions, most commonly used for pain relief (2-8, 10, 17, 19, 39-42)These efficacies are generally called acupuncture effect and acupuncture analgesia. The acupoints mostly locate along certain pathways along skin, so called Meridians or Jin-luo (Chinese name). However, any evidence on the acupuncture effect is variable and inconsistent for all conditions (13, 15).  A 2010 review found that the acupuncture effect to treat depression is indistinguishable from placebo effects (14).

 Acupuncture has been the subject of active scientific research both in regard to its basis and therapeutic effectiveness since the late-20th century. The animal model is more reliable for estimating the effectiveness of acupuncture. However, whether the acupoint is precisely defined, and whether the manual manipulation of the needle is adequate, all influence the result remarkably. Especiallygraduate students and other researchers in laboratory generally lack the experience of technical training inacupuncture. Upon the respect of strictly scientific methodology, what is acupuncture effect; whatcharacteristics does the acupuncture effect possesses; and whether the acupuncture effect has any regularity? All these have not been carefully studied and defined, let alone the mechanism of acupuncture and the essence of Meridians. Many investigators are initially interested in the essence of Meridians, because of the sufficient confidence on the acupuncture effectAt beginning, an animal model was endeavored to be established to study the acupuncture effect, and then to observe themechanism of acupuncture effect in details. In all acupuncture effects, acupuncture analgesia is absolutely effective (10, 17, 40, 41) and is the most reliable efficacy. Finally, the rabbit’s model of acupuncture analgesia was developed. The model also noticed the periodicity of acupuncture effect.


Materials and Methods

Observation of Pain Threshold and ECG after Acupuncture

Chinese white rabbits, each 2±kg in weight, and equal number of males and females, were selected in this experiment. The rabbits were hung in a thick bag, with their legs and heads exposed. The hairs around the cheek outside of the mouth corner were shaved. An acupoint (Zusanli, S36) was selected for acupuncture, which is located at the depressed dent below the tibial tuberosity and between the anterior border of the tibia and the tibialis anterior muscle (22). A non-acupoint was located 2cm away from the acupoint (Fig. 1 A).

Measurement of Pain threshold The heat-pain threshold (PT) of animals was measured to estimate the effect of acupuncture analgesia. When focused light-heat from a Heat Radiation Apparatus (the diameter of the focus is about 5mm) is irradiated on the cheek outside of rabbit’s mouth corner, the pain-induced time of latency of throwing-head reflex was recorded as PT. Before acupuncture, the basic value of pain threshold (BPT) was measured 3 times at 5-min intervals, with the mean calculated. After acupuncture, the PT was measured immediately at 5-min or 7-min intervals. If the PT was over 200% BPT,the irradiation was stopped to avoid serious burns (3, 18, 36).

Acupuncture An acupuncture needle was inserted into the acupoint at a depth of 4-5mm and wastwirled around once per second for 10 min. The needle must be twined with the skin tissue and a tight feeling or a resistance is required. That is to say, the manual manipulation must act on the acupoint, so called De-Qi (9, 11, 26).

Record of electrocardiogram (ECG)  As an additional index, the rabbits’ heart rate (HR) was recorded about 10 seconds before measuring PT. When reading ECG, the mean of every 10 heart beats was calculated as the frequency of HR.

Fig. 1 A, diagram of the acupuncture analgesia in rabbits. The dotted line is the line of Stomach Meridian: (1), acupoint (Zusanli); (2) non-acupoint. B, recording model of intestinal peristalsis



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